Honda Ignition & Door Lock Issues – Key will not turn or sticky keys
When it comes to issues with car ignitions and locks, On Point Locksmith is who to call.
For those who own a Honda, they may find that their ignition and lock has a major issue.
And it is super common. Honda has long been known to have certain ignition issues , especially if you own a Honda that is older than 2002.

Way Honda replaced there key to High Security Laser Cut Keys:
Even after making a few security updates to their systems, Honda still has an issue with the ignitions and locks in their Honda vehicles that have resulted in these being easier to steal and targeted for that reason. What was the problem?
Before they started to upgrade the keys that were being used in the Honda ignition, they were all basically using the same key.
With a little cutting on this, even someone who did not know what they were doing, was able to get into this vehicle.
This resulted in many people finding in the morning that their Honda’s were not where they had parked them the night before.
It was a huge nightmare for Honda, needless to say. So they turned to an upgraded level of security with their newer vehicles and used high security laser cut keys.
Are Laser Cut Keys Good or Bad?
Laser cut keys use a microchip in these to help ensure that the key that you have is only going to work with your car.
Likewise, if your neighbour has the same Honda, then only their key should work for their car. If they tried to use their key on your car, then it should not start. It is a security measure that a lot of vehicle manufacturers are doing these days to help cut down on vehicle theft.
With this being said, that is a huge plus for this type of key.
Since this takes a specialist to duplicate car key, you are going to find that it becomes extremely hard for people to try to do this, which has once again resulted in less of the Honda’s being stolen.
However, since this is a high tech piece of equipment, it comes as no surprise that after years of use, this key presents an issue.
There are several things that can happen if a person were to get into an older Honda with these laser cut keys. These issues include:
– The key won’t go into the ignition
– The key can’t be removed from the ignition
– The steering wheel locks not allowing you to remove the key
– The ignition will not turn at all even with the key in this
These are major issue. The good news, On Point Locksmith can help!
Same day Honda ignition repair service in Vancouver
Whenever you have an issue with your Honda key or ignition, then call On Point Locksmith Vancouver. You will find that our techs are ready to deal with any type of issue that you may have, including those that you may have with Honda.
From repairing the lock to making the key work better, we are here 24/7 to make sure that you are taken care of!